We are a group of citizens working together to save Long Beach Island and the ocean from the destructive impact of the proposed wind project, and offer sensible renewable energy alternatives. We are a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization and do not endorse any candidates or politicians, but we do aggressively pursue programs, policies, and actions to protect the Island. See our fact-based research, keep informed, and find out how you can help us.

Where Your Donations are Going:
Legal Interventions
The proposed project area and scope were selected without public input. The area is not suitable for turbine placement and we believe contravenes a number of federal and state, environmental, and economic statutes
Save LBI has proposed sensible alternative locations for wind energy development, such as in the farther out, Hudson South area, to no avail. Therefore the only recourse is to pursue this project’s termination in court.
See our current status on the lawsuits we're following. And please consider donating more so that we can continue to protect our environment and economy from damages caused by these massive multi-national energy companies and governmental agencies.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered Species Act/Environmental Impact Statement (ESA/EIS) and Biological Opinion to support selection of turbine areas
With Judge
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ State finding that project is “consistent” with NJ CZMA rules.
To Court/Notice Filed
NEPA & National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)/ Deficient Project EIS, historic property process.
Upon Project Approval
Jones Act / Use of US vs. foreign flag vessels.
Upon Review
NEPA/EIS on cumulative east coast impact to the right whale
With Judge
Offshore Wind Economic Development Act (OWEDA) / State cost-benefit analysis.
BPU Rehearing Requested
Noise Control Act / Audible noise at shore exceeding standards.
Upon Project Approval
Inverse Takings / Nuisance, others.
Upon Review
Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) / Enjoin vessel surveys
With Judge
ESA & MMPA/Blocking of right whale migration.
Upon Project Approval
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) / National Security and Vessel Navigation criteria
Upon Project Approval
CZMA: Coast Zone Management Act | EIS: Environmental Impact Statement | ESA: Endangered Species Act | MMPA: Marine Mammal Protection Act | NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act | NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act | OCSLA: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act | OWEDA: Offshore Wind Economic Development Act